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Fiscal and Grant Administration

What is Centralized Rent Administration?

Our centralized rent administration team serves as an intermediary between the sources that fund rental assistance, service providers, and landlords. This centralized structure provides a number of local benefits such as being nimble and responsive to community needs, reduce administrative burden to service providers, absorb cash flow strains from service providers, and support compliance requirements across multiple funding sources.

Desired Outcomes

Effective use of administration of rental assistance and third-party payments will result in the following outcomes:

  • On-time payment of monthly rent subsidy.

  • Reduce administrative burden from service providers including providing a strong fiscal backbone and internal controls.

  • Improved efficiencies and cost savings.

  • Consistent process and procedures for participating landlords.

What does it cover?

  • Pays application fees, security deposits, and other required move-in fees

  • Releases monthly rental subsidy payments to landlords by the fifth business day of the month.

  • Executes rental assistance payment contracts with landlords

  • Manages back-end compliance with landlords regarding financial regulations and requirements *Services will be available to any housing program receiving referrals from CES, however housing programs are not required to engage in these services.

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Our Programs

Healthy Beginnings At Home (HBAH)

HBAH is a pilot program in partnership with IU school of pediatrics and the Grassroot Maternal Child health team providing 24 months of support to pregnant women in Marion County who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability. In addition to being recipients of this service, participants are part of our research efforts to show the impact of stable housing and social support on maternal and infant health.


The HBAH program provides:

  • Housing navigation

  • Tapering rental assistance

  • Case management.


Participants engage in interviews, surveys, and an optional focus group to provide insight into their strengths, current and past pregnancies, housing situation, and barriers to gaining financial stability, etc.


Participant Eligibility

Participants enrolled in Healthy Beginnings at Home must:

  • currently have CareSource Medicaid

  • be in Marion County

  • be in their first or second trimester of pregnancy, and

  • be experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

Recruitment is currently open, however, there is limited space available.

Lilly Endowment Enhancing Opportunities (LEI)

Image by Age Cymru

The flexible funding pool combines small, fragmented
sources of funding into scalable strategy to expand housing
choice and reduce housing barriers. Leveraging this
funding together provides the tools to increase the number
of housing options available to clients, reduce barriers to
housing that limit choice, and address situations that may
arise in maintaining housing and preventing eviction. These
tools include unit hold fees, risk mitigation funds, and
tenancy move-in supports.


Any clients eligible for housing programs in Coordinated entry system (CES) are eligible to access the Flexible Funding Pool. Housing case managers and/or housing navigators may submit a payment request and backup documentation in the Homeless Information Management System (HMIS). RDOOR will then match the request to the appropriate funding source, vet for eligibility, and issue payment. *Our current pilot program capacity is focusing on households referred through CoC Case Conferencing.



Desired Outcomes

  • Reduction in length of time from referral to housed

  • Increased housing placements

  • Improved housing Retention

  • Increased landlord recruitment and retention

Home Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)


The Home Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program is a City of Indianapolis Grant funded rental assistance program administered by RDOOR Housing Corporation. TBRA provides assistance for households experiencing homelessness in Marion County. Assistance is provided in 12-month increments, and households are eligible for additional assistance after the completion of their annual recertification.


Program Details

  • All households served by this program must be at or below 80% of area median income for Indianapolis.

  • This program is limited to households experiencing homelessness. Placement on the list is based on a lottery.

  • Units must be located within the City of Indianapolis. Units within the excluded cities of Speedway, Southport, Beech Grove, and Lawrence are not eligible for TBRA.


The goal of TBRA is to address integrated, affordable, and accessible housing barriers within Indianapolis experienced by households experiencing homelessness with low or very low income.


Program Features

  • Security deposits

  • Utility Deposits

  • Rent Assistance

Home American Rescue Plan (ARP)


Home American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Services Funding is available for housing case management and supportive services provided by Horizon House and Partners in Housing. Funding is available to individuals and families that were a part of the ESG-CV bridge to an IHA Voucher strategy, to support long-term housing stability outcomes.


Program Details

  • This program is limited to households who experienced homelessness and have received a voucher. 

  • Units must be located within the City of Indianapolis. Units within the excluded cities of Speedway, Southport, Beech Grove, and Lawrence are not eligible for TBRA.


The goal of ARP is to address housing stability for clients who receive rental assistance and case management support . integrated, affordable, and accessible housing barriers within Indianapolis experienced by households experiencing homelessness with low or very low income.



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