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Housing Navigation

Housing Navigation is a bridge from referral to permanent housing through our Coordinated Entry System (CES) to housing lease signing. The goal is reducing the length of time from referral to lease signing and having more referrals ending with successful housing placements.


Navigators can assist at any point in this process by offering services to the housing case managers to help clients achieve housing placements. Any clients eligible for housing programs in CES are eligible for system navigation services. These services are inclusive to individuals and families, those sleeping in shelters or unsheltered, and those homeless due to
domestic violence.

Desired Outcomes


The Housing Navigation team focuses on the 

following outcomes:

  • Working with populations that have the most need in the Coordinated Entry System set using HMIS data

  • Ensure equity in service provision so that everyone has access to affordable housing and that our community is intentional in reducing homelessness for black individuals and families who are disproportionately impacted by homelessness.

  • Decrease in number of days from coordinated entry referral to permanent housing placement (looking at referral to enrollment and enrollment to move in)

    • 30-day average for project-based subsidy

    • 60-day average for scattered site programs

    • 90-days for tenant-based voucher programs

  • Increase of 25% in referrals that result in a permanent housing placement

  • Track number of people assisted with obtaining vital documentation or accessing basic needs benefit

What our Housing Navigators do!

Housing Navigators help bridge the gap with clients who have
completed a housing needs assessment but are still experiencing homelessness. Navigators will identify clients who have been referred to housing programs and clients who are projected to be referred to housing programs soon. Navigators will work closely with programs that accept referrals though CES, knowing the requirements of each program and offering to assist with any step in the housing process that could delay housing placement. Some programs offer no navigation services, while others have robust programming built into their grants.


The main goal of navigators is to be an extra set of hands helping the client get to appointments, obtain documents, identify housing, and get to and through lease signing. The navigators will be working closely with the Housing Acquisition Team for housing search and placement, and with courts to remove legal barriers that limit client housing options.


Services available to Organizations

Assistance Locating Clients:

  • Contacting shelters

  • Contacting outreach

  • Contacting HMIS case management lists

Obtaining Vital Documents:

  • ID or Driver’s License

  • Social Security Card

  • Birth Certificate

  • Immigration Papers

  • Award Letter

  • Paystubs

  • Homelessness Verification

Helping clear warrants and connect to court:

  • Request warrant removal

  • Contact Public Defender’s Office

Assistance connecting client to housing:

  • Unit tours

  • Transport to lease signing

Assistance finding housing (Padmission, 1-on-1 housing search)

  • Assess client housing barriers with case managers

    • Find which side of town client prefers

    • If client has evictions

    • If client has utility arrears

    • If client has criminal history

  • Assistance completing housing paperwork for programs

    • HUD/City required forms:

    • Rent Reasonable

    • Inspection

    • Lead Screening Worksheet

    • Fair Housing Pamphlet

  • Other program specific housing forms

    •  Provide Contact Information after Lease Signing

    • Provide program and contact info to property

    • Provide landlord and lease info to program staff

    • Complete warm hand-off with client at lease inspection

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