Housing Acquisition
The Housing Acquisition Team (HAT) at RDOOR Housing Corporation is the partner entity entrusted with identifying landlords who are willing to lease their available units to individuals and families who are connected to our partner agencies in the city of Indianapolis and are experiencing homelessness.
The Housing Acquisition team maintains Padmission Connect to provide service providers access to units for their clients. Padmission Connect is an online housing search service designed to connect participating landlords with available units to partnering agencies providing case management for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. The Housing Acquisition Team is responsible for improving access to the web-based platform for landlords to list their available units for free and for case managers to easily and quickly search for available units.

Desired Outcomes
Centralized Housing Acquisition is the system-facing approach to finding, securing, and expanding available rental housing inventory and choices throughout Marion County to quickly rehouse individuals and families experiencing homelessness. HAT knows the rental market and rental assistance programs, has the expertise and skills to engage landlords, hold units, and utilize landlord incentives to expand and maintain a diverse pool of housing choices.
HAT is staffed with certified Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspectors. They can advise housing providers of any deficiencies to correct and resolve violations. HAT conducts inspections for all the programs for which RDOOR Housing Corporation administers the funds and for programs of partner agencies upon request.
Foster Property Partner Relationships
The Housing Acquisition Team fosters existing relationships with landlords by visiting them in person, maintaining phone contact, and problem-solving issues they encounter as housing providers for the vulnerable population. HAT can connect landlords to case managers to resolve lease violations, and in instances where desired outcomes are not acheived, HAT can support the landlord with risk mitigation funds.